The Social Web

I’m doing it wrong…

me_doing_it_wrong At some point in your career, you have to realize that you’re going about it in the wrong way.   It may hit you like a ton of bricks, or it might be a subtle realization, but either way you realize that things aren’t working out for you like you expected.  I’ve had a couple of those moments throughout my career; one was shortly after I flunked out of graduate school.  Nothing says “you’re doing it wrong” than sitting outside of your advisor’s office for a meeting that never happens.

I’ve had other epiphanies in my career, such as the time when my ethical standards were a little higher than my employers; when I got sent home by a GM after a discussion over my responsibilities, I started polishing my resume.   I was doing it wrong by working for the wrong company.

Recently, I’ve begun to realize that I’m not living up to my full potential in my career.  I’ve spent the last several years building an enterprise solution for my company that has become the core product of that company.  It’s a good product, and I’m proud of it.  However, like many small companies that have grown up fast,  our company is built on a complex ecosystem of ever-changing goals and feature requests.  We built a system based on assumptions, and we’ve become one of the leaders of our industry because we’re often the first to deliver a product for a niche market.  Many of the assumptions we made didn’t pan out, and the applications we’ve built have slowly degenerated into a mass of tangled wire and unrealistic expectations.  I realized this as I’ve struggled to add a new feature and retrofit it into this existing solution; it’s taking more and more time to solve development problems because we’re not sure what features are still being used by some employee in a dark corner of the building.

As I was rewriting a stored procedure for the fifth time trying to eke out a few more milliseconds of performance, I realized that I was thinking like an engineer.  Engineers find creative solutions to problems in a very hands-on way; they worry about wiring things together so that they work, and they work well.  Engineers are worried about the microcosm; as every geek’s favorite engineer (Scotty from Star Trek) would say “In four hours, the ship blows up.”  That’s pretty straightforward; under condition x, outcome y is to be expected in a certain amount of time.

The problem?  My title says Architect.  I’m supposed to be thinking about the big picture, not just how a couple of applications are wired together.  I’m supposed to understand (and enforce) the rules about how events become data, and how data becomes information.  I should be more concerned with defining the specifications for our system than trying to figure out this damned stored procedure (for the fifth time).  Maybe we shouldn’t even have this particular stored procedure; maybe with a little tweaking, we could eliminate the problem altogether.

So what does this mean for me?  Well, as part of my New Year’s resolutions, I’ve been determined to learn something new every month.  This month, I’ve been focused on what does it mean to be a Data Architect, and I’ve been trying to find a little time every day to transform myself from an engineer to an architect.  I’m not going to master all of these subjects at once, but here’s my working list (from high-level goals to specific action items).  I expect this list to evolve, but it’s a start.

High Level Goal: A Data Architect needs to establish the standards for information and data in the enterprise.

  • I need to document the information architecture of our division of the company, using a standard data flow diagram notation.  I need to spend some time daily refreshing my memory on that notation.
  • I need spend time with employees throughout the organization, discovering what the business entities are, and what the vocabulary for those entities are. 
  • After discovery, I need to publish a standard vocabulary document and data-dictionary, showing how we capture that information today:
    • I need to propose changes to our business vocabulary, and
    • I need to propose changes to our database schema to standardize our notation.

High Level Goal: A Data Architect needs to understand the nature of the enterprise’s information on all levels: physical, logical, and procedural.

  • I need to talk to our production DBA’s an understand how our database servers are set up physically, including the clustering structure, the drive arrays, the SAN, etc.
  • I need to talk to our engineers to understand how data gets to the databases.
  • I need to talk to our product owners to understand what information they want from the data, and what’s the best way to deliver it.

High Level Goal: A Data Architect needs to recommend the best architecture for information management, including a plan on how to get there from here.

  • I need to refresh my memory on all aspects of SQL Server, not just the parts I use on a daily basis.
  • After discovery, I need to recommend ways to improve efficiency in our data capture processes.
  • I need to listen to all voices in the organization, even those I don’t normally agree with.  I can’t afford to throw away good ideas simply because I don’t always like the originator of those ideas.

More to come, but this is what I’ve been working on so far this month (February 2011).

#TSQL2sDay: Resolutions

tsql2sday For this month’s T-SQL Tuesday, Jen McCown asks:

So tell us: what techie resolutions have you been pondering, and why?  Are you heading for a certification? An award? Are you looking to pick up CLR because that guy at the Summit said it’s “bitchin’”? Go crazy…

I’ve already covered a lot of my techie resolutions in this post, but here’s a recap, with some expanded thoughts:

  • I vow to learn something new every month.  I’ve already started on this one, but I need to keep working on it.   For example, I’m working on XML and XQuery this month; next month, I’m thinking SSIS.
  • I vow to be more involved in the technical community.  I’ve slipped out of tweeting (mostly because it’s blocked on our corporate network); I will do more.  I also want to read more blogs, as well as do a LOT more blogging myself.  For example, I plan to participate in every T-SQL Tuesday for 2011.  I also plan to present at least 6 times this year.
  • I will earn my MCITP: Database Developer certification this year.  Been meaning to do it; just haven’t invested the time to do so.

On a personal note, I want to tackle a few more technical projects that have been hovering over my head:

  • I want to do more with pictures and videos.  I have a nice digital camera, and a nice Flip video camera, but I don’t do squat with them.  I’m horrible about leaving them behind when I travel; I will use them as needed.
  • My fiancée is an iPod user (like 90% of the world); I am not (I have an Archos).  Merging our music into iTunes is not going to be fun (especially since I’ve never used it), but in the long run, it’ll be the right thing to do for us.
  • I want to work smarter, not harder, so I can play more.  There’s lots of little services out there (like Remember the Milk,, Google calendars, etc) which will help me manage my life on the move (shuttling between my apartment, my fiancée’s house, and my office).

Short, sweet, but at least it’s submitted 🙂

the ubiquitous resolution post…

Obviously, with the start of the New Year, there will be a flood of posts on the blogosphere regarding resolutions to change bad behaviors and adopt new good ones; why should I be any different?  There’s lots of things I want to change about myself, and I figure I should put them out there and see how I’m doing over the year.  So, with little fanfare, here’s my list of challenges I plan to tackle for 2011 (broken up in to categories and subcategories for easy reference):



Technical Skills

  • I want to learn something new every month.  My goal is to tackle something challenging, and be able to understand the ins and outs of it within 30 days.  For example, I want to finish tackling XML (including XSD’s) in SQL Server.
  • I want to upgrade my certifications by the end of the year; I’ve been dancing around the MCITP exams for a while, and I need to finish them.


  • I want to make at least 6 technical presentations by the end of the year; last year, I managed to eke out 8, but given some of the recent changes in my personal life (see below), I think 6 is reasonable.
  • I will blog at least once a month about some technical topic (see the first bullet point under technical skills).


  • I will understand the SCRUM methodology, and learn how to implement it with my team at work.  Although I’m not a team leader, I AM the Senior Database Architect, and I need to code less, and teach more.  This is my year to do so.




  • I’m getting married again this year, and I want to look good for my new wife.  I also want to avoid long-term health issues.  I was losing weight last year (until I started dating), and I want to get back on track.  I’d like to lose 50 lbs by October.
  • I have apnea, and I’ve been horrible about using my CPAP on a regular basis.  I will use it regularly.
  • I need to exercise more, so I will find 20 minutes a day to do SOMETHING, even if it’s just walking around the office for 20 minutes.
  • I will drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.


  • I’ve slacked off in my religious activities; my faith was nourished by church attendance during my divorce, and I need to start growing again.  I will find a new church in the next two months (my old church is too far to drive on a regular basis), and become a regular attendee.
  • I choose to absorb the goodness from people who love me, and I will reject the poison from those who do not.  I will focus on the important things in life (like my kids, and my future bride), and worry less about the unimportant things (like who’s mowing the grass).


  • I will listen more to my children, my family, and my friends.  I will find ways to let them know I love them.
  • I will nurture my own friendships; while I love my fiance’s friends and family, I want to bring more to the table than just me.


  • My divorce pulled me way off course.  While I’m a long way from being out of debt, I will continue to make strides in that area.  I will pay off at least one credit card ahead of schedule.
  • I will save more; I plan to find ways to cut costs (like taking advantage of coupons, and eating out less).

Anyway, there you have it: my New Year’s resolutions for 2011.  May it be a good year for all.

Still is still moving to me

I don’t often write posts of a highly personal nature on this blog because I feel like there’s a certain sense of privacy I need to maintain, but as the end of the year draws nigh, I’m feeling a bit reflective.  It’s been a good year; it began a little rocky as I was wrapping up a divorce, but it’s ended on a high note: shortly after my divorce was final, I met an amazing woman.  After 9 months of dating, I asked her to marry me.

It’s been wonderful being in a healthy relationship with someone after having lived through a unhealthy one; my fiancée’ actually LIKES me, and that’s made all the difference.   When I’m with her, I feel good about myself, and when I’m away, I can’t wait to spend time with her (hopefully, that explains my absence from blogging a bit).

However, I have kids with my ex, which means that I can’t completely break away from my past; I love my children, and in order to do what’s best for them, I’ve had to continue holding my tongue and restraining my anger when their mom and I disagree.  I would have thought that I would be a master of that by now, but it continues to be a struggle for me.  Anger is a seductive emotion, in some ways more so than love.  It’s far too easy to dwell on the hurts and pains caused by the other person, and to either lash out in revenge or obsess about the misdeeds of the other.  While both of those reactions are normal, neither of them will feed the spirit for any length of time.  So, I’m writing this post to draw a line in the sand; I refuse to live in the shadow of anger any longer.  I will not dwell on the perceived injustices caused by others, but will instead find ways to enjoy life. 

Don’t get me wrong; I’m sure that I will continue to encounter situations where anger is justified (and I plan on getting angry when those times arise).  However, I refuse to continue looking for those things that offend me; I choose to live my life filled with love and laughter.  Life is too short to waste dwelling in darkness.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year; may your lives be blessed with peace, prosperity, and challenges to grow.

#passvotes Tweaks and Data Geeks: PASS Election 2011

Obviously, the angst over the 2010 PASS elections still lives on for some, and some of you are probably ready to move on to more immediate concerns, but as for me, I’m stuck here trying to figure out what I should learn from all of this.  I do think we as a community need to move forward, and to that end, I’ve agreed to participate in Kevin Kline’s series on the PASS elections process, and answer the following question:

“Many in the community seem to think that the PASS election process is badly broken.  Do you think that PASS needs to implement fundamental and far-reaching changes to its election process, or does it only need some fine tuning?  Please explain your thoughts?”

Learning from the experience…

I don’t want to keep rehashing the past, because it’s been done (here, here, here, and here, to name a few; if you want a LOT more reading material, the elections site has a bunch of blog entries).   While there are lots of lessons to be learned, and ideas to be discussed, I think there are two key points that are not stressed enough:

  1. Our discourse as a community has been healthy, and
  2. Nobody involved in the process has walked away clean.

For the first point, I think we’ve been able to keep our disagreements civil; there have been some comments made from several key contributors to the discussion that have been more cutting than others, and I have said some things that I should have kept to myself, but all in all, I don’t think we’ve burned any bridges that can’t be rebuilt.   The only lingering meme that continues to bother me is the occasional “community-vs.-PASS” theme that is implied in some of the discussions; I’ll talk more about why that bothers me in a bit, but I fear we too easily fall into the trap of needing to define an invisible “Them” to be an antithesis to our “We”.   We is Them, and They are We.

The second point was driven home to me like a dagger to the heart in a response from Andy Warren to a dialogue in the comments section of Brent Ozar’s post on the issue:

Agreeing to disagree is seldom satisfying, but often necessary. I’m entirely biased about my views on this, but I think it’s easy to forget the pain that continues along with this discussion. Replace the name of SJ with yours, and imagine how it would feel to be left off the slate (fairly, unfairly or otherwise), and then have a conversation continue that seems to imply a great failure during the interview, but no details emerge. Do you defend yourself or lay low? What if you allow the inner details to be published, but they are not?

We don’t agree on the way things worked out. Ok. I think we should let things heal a little more, then have the values and process conversation that we should have had last year – one that I’ve admitted I should have helped to make happen. Yell at me. Yell at the process. But I think we’re at the point where we leave a good man to tend his wounds and we try to do better next year, or we have the entire conversation and let the chips fall where they way on each side. I vote for moving forward.

Not my place to tell you not to talk about it, and much of this has been good conversation. But please remember my friend is not an abstraction. Actually, I wish I could say that better. I know that you don’t he is an abstraction, but I’m not sure that this conversation, right now, helps any of us.

I’ve been so busy defending what I perceived to be attacks on the character of the Nom Com or the quality of my work that I’ve forgotten what it must be like to be in Steve’s place, and for that I’m truly sorry.   I don’t regret my choice to point out what I think are inaccurate statements about the process, but I should have tempered my comments with more grace than I did.  That being said, I think we all need to step back and realize that nobody was completely happy with this year’s election process; obviously, the controversy was not a desired outcome by anyone on the Nom Com, the Board, or the membership at large.  So how do we fix the process moving forward?

Is the process irreparably broken?

Short answer: No.

Longer answer:  I think if you look at any business that has an electable Board of Directors, the nominations process is similar; the Board appoints a committee to find qualified candidates, and then votes to approve or reject the slate.   The elections process should be simple, but fair; I don’t think that a Board of an organization need be run like the federal government (with election cycles dictating workflow). That being said, I think there are lots of opportunities to tweak the process, and learn from our mistakes.

Tweak 1: Standardize the qualifications for a Director

I think PASS made strides this year, but there should be very specific minimum requirements for a seat at the table.  Andy Leonard and K. Brian Kelley both made excellent points about the inadequacy of using a ranking system to evaluate certain concrete measures like Education and References.  If we must use a ranking system, then the criteria for the ranks need to be carefully defined, like so:

Applicant must have a Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent University degree).
Add 1 point for a Master’s Degree in any subject.
Add 1 point for a Doctorate Degree in any subject.

Please note that the above example is merely intended to illustrate specific ranking criteria; the definition of Education itself warrants more discussion than I have time for in this post.

Experience with PASS is another great example of a objective measure that needs standard ranking; how long have you been a member?  What volunteer roles have you performed?  Is experience as a chapter leader more or less valuable than experience on the Program Committee?  Whatever standards are chosen, they should be well-defined and applied evenly from year to year; if an applicant doesn’t change their behavior from year to year (i.e., an applicant with little PASS experience in year 1 doesn’t get involved in year 2), they should have the same score.

Tweak 2: Transparent Application, Opaque Interviews, Translucent Board

Applications should be made available to the public, as well as the ranking using the standardized questionnaire described above; the general members of PASS should feel confident that the scoring system used to evaluate an application reflects the applicant’s ability to meet the minimum requirements.

However, I think that discussions within the Nominations Committee, including interviews with the applicants, should remain opaque: a black box.  I know others think that the Nom Com should be completely transparent, but I think that the job of the Nom Com is to probe areas beyond the minimum qualification, and in order to do so, the members of that group need the ability to ask questions that may not be appropriate for general consumption.  I think this protects both the applicants and the volunteer interviewers (what if I, as a volunteer, were to ask a really stupid question?  Should I be vilified on the Internet by the membership?).  But here’s the rub: the interviews need to be recorded.

The interviews should NEVER be released to the general membership, but once the slate has been presented to the Board of Directors for approval or rejection, the interview tapes need to be included as part of the recommendation in order to give the Board full insight into why the Nom Com chose to recommend or deny certain candidates.  The board should then accept or reject the slate, and if they choose to reject the slate, decide how they’re going to move forward; the discussions surrounding the slate should not be released, but the vote should.  That way, if the general membership felt that the process was unfair, they could contact the Board members and move forward with resolving the issue.

Tweak 3: Maximize member involvement

I think one of the hardest problems to tackle in this discussion is the issue of member involvement; as I mentioned earlier, the theme of “community vs. PASS” is a difficult pill for me to swallow because I see every member of PASS (including the Board) as member of the community.  I also realize (as a chapter leader) that there are many members of the community which are not PASS members, and members of both subsets that are not active in many of the social networks that were abuzz with concerns over the process.

Let me back up and clarify: I’m a chapter leader for AtlantaMDF, and at one point, we had nearly 1500 SQL Server Professionals on our private mailing list.  These were people who at one point had registered for a meeting of ours; I’d consider them member of the community.  Are they PASS members? Maybe.  Are they active on twitter, or active bloggers?  Dunno; my experience presenting on these topics leads me to believe that the vast majority of SQL Server Professionals are NOT involved in social networking.  Kendra Little had a similar take on the problem of uninvolved membership (I stole the graph from her):

Voting stats from the last few elections would probably back up this idea; although I don’t remember the actual numbers, I do remember thinking that the voter turnout was abysmal compared to the number of people that PASS claims as members (remember that membership is free).  Sort of like the same feeling I get when I think that AtlantaMDF invites 1500 people every month to come to a meeting, and 75 do; I’m grateful we got 75, but we’re missing a lot of interaction from 1425 other people.

So how do we involve the membership?  I think that Chapter Leaders (including Virtual Chapter Leaders) should be randomly selected and asked to serve on the Nom Com every election cycle, and the number of Chapter Leaders should always outweigh the number of Board seats by at least 1.   Why Chapter Leaders?  To me, they represent the local faces of PASS, and are the most likely ones to understand the pulse of the community.  Why not bloggers, tweeters, or columnists?  Although I think that social networkers provide a great service to the community, they don’t necessarily have an official relationship with PASS.   PASS serves the community, but I think the election process needs to be membership driven.

Involving the membership via Chapter Leaders on the Nom Com should (I hope) instill some trust in the process, even if the interview process yields an unpopular result.  It’s a lot harder to accuse the Nom Com of predetermining the outcome of an interview because of their ties to the Board if the Nom Com consists of a majority of non-Board members.

Summing up.

I have several other ideas (such as the possibility of a Chapter Congress), but many of them require drastic overhauls of how PASS does business; that’s simply not feasible.  I think many of the problems of the last two elections can be easily resolved with a few minor tweaks.  However, the first step is the conversation, and that conversation needs to begin well before the election season.  It’s easy to be upset about the outcome, but in order for real change to occur, we (the community) need to step up and participate in the conversations.  I am eagerly awaiting the chance; are you?

Kung fu and the art of SQL Server

A few nights ago, I watched The Forbidden Kingdom with my kids; I’ve seen it before, but this time there was a message in it that I needed to hear.  Obviously, I’ve been in a slump lately, and even though I’m continuing to be involved in what I do as a SQL Server professional, I haven’t been excited about it in a long time.  I’ve been at my current position for almost 8 years, and frankly, I’ve gotten bored.  Mix that with a lot of post-divorce depression, anxiety about the future, and all of a sudden my yin and my yang are not in harmony.

DISCLAIMER: I should point out that my feelings of boredom are NOT an indicator of any dissatisfaction with my current employment; rather, it’s a personal feeling that I’m not pushing myself as hard as I used to.   I’m not planning on making a move or any other sudden change of life; I just feel out-of-balance, and need something to center myself again.

I should stop this post here and point out something; I am a student of Western civilization, and I grew up in the Bible Belt.  The little understanding of Eastern philosophy that I have comes from many wasted hours of watching bad martial arts movies (including the Karate Kid I, II, and III); for the most part, Eastern meditation is still considered to be relatively taboo in the deep south.

Anyway, back to our previously scheduled post.  If you’re not familiar with the movie, The Forbidden Kingdom is a fun martial arts action movie with lots of comedic interludes; it’s loosely based on the story of the Monkey King, and the need to return his staff to him to defeat the Jade Emperor.   The staff bearer is an unlikely choice, and he encounters two martial arts teachers along the way, who train him in the art of kung fu.  This teaching is where the film becomes relevant to me at this point in my life.

The path to kung fu is different for everyone.

In the film, the staff bearer is thrust into a strange world of mystery and chaos; it’s a violent world, and he often doesn’t know whom to trust.  However, he meets two teachers who begin instructing him on his journey.  Their fighting styles are very different;  the drunken fighting style of Lu Yan (Jackie Chan) is often in conflict with grace and agility of the Silent Monk (Jet Li).  However, both are kung fu. 

In a similar fashion, those of us who work with SQL Server have all come from different backgrounds; some of us have backgrounds in analytics, some in application development, and some in system administration.  Yet, we are here today.  The important thing to remember is that this is but a space in time, a point in the journey; in order to survive in our occupations, we must continue along the path.

Kung fu requires a desire to learn.

While this seems self-evident, it is often the hardest lesson to learn.  Kung fu is not just about being willing to learn a few new tricks, it’s also about being willing to put aside preconceptions.  Too often we think we focus on what we believe is the right thing to do to maintain our current place in life, only to later find out that we wasted a valuable opportunity to learn something new.  From the film (thanks IMDB!):

Jason Tripitikas: You think you’ll teach me the No Shadow Kick? Oh, and the Buddha Palm Technique. There’s a guy in Virtual Fighter 2, who does the Buddha Palm Technique.
[Lu gives him a cup]
Jason Tripitikas: Thanks, Lu. And he does the Iron Elbow. And he does the One Finger Death Touch.
[the cup starts overflowing]
Jason Tripitikas: The cup’s full. Stop! It’s full!
Lu Yan: Exactly, how can you fill your cup if already full? How can you learn Kung Fu, you already know so much. No Shadow Kick, Buddha Palm! Empty your cup.
[Jason empties his cup]
Lu Yan: [looks at him in surprise] Hopeless. It is hopeless!

Obviously, the lesson is there; the student has preconceived notions about what he should be learning to be a master, rather than simply watching,observing, and learning from what the path presents.  In my own path to be a SQL Server developer, I’ve neglected my administration skills.  I’ve walked away from learning SSIS because my job required me to build a custom ETL process.  I’ve filled my cup with what I think are important things, and neglected to pay attention to the path.  If I were to apply for a development position today, it would be a challenge to convince a future employer of my worth.

Kung fu requires discipline.

Any one who’s ever seen a martial arts movie recognizes the essential truth of this.   To be good at what you do, you must be disciplined in your study.  However, what is important to kung fu is recognizing that discipline is required not only in the maintenance of skills, but also in the ability to sense where the path leads.  As a database professional, you must be willing to invest time in perfecting those things you know (T-SQL? database design?), but also spend extra time learning something new (pick up SSIS or SSAS; how about Reporting Services or Visual Basic?).  True kung fu knows the balance, however; it is often best to be a master of a single skill than a novice in all of them.

Jason Tripitikas: What do we do now?
Lu Yan: How good is your Gung-fu?
Jason Tripitikas: [puzzled look]
Lu Yan: He who speaks, does not Know; He who Knows, does not speak. Surely you’re masterful.

Kung fu masters are obligated to teach any student that seeks, no matter how unlikely the choice.

This is the part I have been struggling with lately; I have neglected teaching, and that is critical to learning.  If you want to learn something new, volunteer to teach about it.  I recently taught a seminar on XML in SQL Server because I wanted to learn more about it; granted, I didn’t push myself hard enough so I didn’t learn as much as I should have, but at least I took another step along the path.

But kung fu is not just about teaching to the willing student, it’s teaching to those who are different than us.

The Silent Monk: But, he’s not even Chinese.

Too often we database professionals assume that the only people that are interested in what we do are other database professionals.  We often fail to volunteer our services to developers, because we assume that they aren’t interested in database performance; instead we grumble about how poorly applications perform.  We don’t share our concerns about how I/O’s affect the database, and instead struggle on with the allotment that our system administrators hand out on the SAN.  We should be volunteering to speak at other user groups, to share our passion with even the unlikely students.  For example, my friend Aaron Nelson recently spoke at a Powershell event; Aaron himself would admit that he’s a SQL guy first, Powershell guru second.  Yet he took the opportunity to teach students with whom he shared little background on a subject with which he had some exposure.  That’s kung fu.

Final thoughts.

I think most martial art movies attempt to convey the message that kung fu is about self-discipline, rather than preparation for violence, but make no mistake: kung fu is an effective fighting skill.  A master of kung fu is a warrior, not a ballet dancer.  I’ve recently read a great book, Wild at Heart, which contains the following bit of wisdom:

Man is not born into a sitcom or a soap opera; he is born into a world at war.  This is not Home Improvement; it’s Saving Private Ryan.  There will be many, many battles to fight on many different battlefields.

We are at war with ourselves; the battle to perfect our craft is a battle against sloth, laziness, and a lack of focus.  I am choosing to continue on the path of kung fu in my quest to become a SQL Server master, and I hope you can make the same commitment.  For me, that’s a commitment to finish my SQL Server 2008 certifications before the end of year; that’s a benchmark, not a destination.  I need to learn much along the way.

Well, boo…. Back to the drawing wheel #sqlpass

Nose to the wagon board.  Grinding away at the dog-and-pony show.  Keeping a stiff upper lip.  Insert Other Platitudes…

Apparantly, PASS started notifying potential speakers that their submissions for Summit 2010 were accepted today for ; unfortunately, I was not one of them (at least not yet).  2 of my 3 submissions were “Considered” before being rejected, and a third is listed as an “Alternate”.   Although I’m disappointed, I do think that it suggests that the quality of submissions must be EXCELLENT this year.  I mean, if I didn’t make it, then obviously they put in the heavy hitters 🙂  Congrats to those who did make it.

I’ll keep trying, of course; I was accepted to speak at the Baton Rouge SQLSaturday, but unfortunately a personal conflict is keeping me from being able to attend.  I have high hopes about Nashville, and I’m pondering Kansas City.    I’m also planning on presenting at the Columbus Georgia SQL Server User Group in September, so I’ll keep refining my chops a bit.  I’m also still hoping to attend Summit, if I can figure out a way to pay for it.

Anyway, back to the grind.  Life ain’t all bad; I’m teleworking this week from lovely Florida, where I’ve been able to work all day, see friends at night, and enjoy some time at the beach in the evening.  It’s all a matter of perspective.

so it’s official: I’m a People Person. #PASSVote2010

I’ve been appointed to the PASS (Professional Association for SQL Server) Nominations Committee for the 2010 Elections for Board of Directors; as one of two volunteer (non-Board) members, my job is to provide some feedback to the other members on the pulse of the community. While I am deeply honored, I can’t help but feel a smidge like Tom from Office Space.

The good news is that one of the main goals of this committee is to provide transparency into the electoral process of PASS; much of the information regarding why candidates were chosen (or not) will be provided throughout the process (barring any personal information) in order to create a dialogue between the community and the board.  I think this is a good thing, even though it’s not always easy to implement.  There are three board positions open this year, and I hope we get a slew of excellent candidates from which to pick.

Anyway, stick around for more news about the election; every year gets a little more exciting, and I hope that this year proves to be no different.  PASS is a community-driven organization; it should represent the ideals of the SQL Server community.  In other words, if you are a database professional, PASS should represent your interests, and be a useful mechanism for furthering your professional development.   That only works when people get involved, mmmK?  Oh and remember, next Friday is Hawaiian shirt day.

#sqlsat35 looking ahead to the weekend

This weekend I’ll be traveling to the DFW metropolitan area to attend SQLSaturday #35; I’m very excited about it.  I didn’t know if I’d be able to attend this weekend (had to trade kid time with the ex-wife), so I missed the call for speakers.  I am looking forward to actually attending sessions and bumping into some friends.   If you’re there, look me up; I’ll be wearing my SQLSaturday #41 t-shirt (see this link for a sample).

I’ll be packing a couple of presentations (just in case they have an opening): the Social DBA and my latest discussion on XML in SQL Server 2008.  I was planning on submitting both of them to PASS Summit this year, but I feel a little guilty about the Social DBA one given that I’ve completely slacked off over the last few months.  I keep thinking I’m going to get back on the wagon, but life has been flying by much too fast these days.

Speaking of friends, Dallas is kind of like an old home to me; I grew up in Louisiana, and many of my high school and college buddies wound up in the big D after graduation.  I’m looking forward to crashing on a few couches, having a few beers, and hearing what happened over the last 20 years or so.