Brief health message

For those of you who are interested, yes, I have continued to lose weight ๐Ÿ™‚ Not as quick as before, as illustrated by the following chart:

Over 22 days, I’m down 5.6 pounds, with an average drop of 2.82 pounds during that period. All I’ve done is three simple things:

1. Change what I eat: more veggies, more fiber, less carbs.

2. Change WHEN I eat: I eat when I’m hungry (a little snack in between regular meals), but I never eat after 7 pm.

3. Exercise AT LEAST 15 minutes a day. Mostly doing strength training (I hate aerobic exercise), but if I do strength training, I do it at a high rate of speed.

Looking forward to a loss of 20 pounds by June. Now back to your typical geek jargon ๐Ÿ™‚
