Things are trucking along; I finally got all of the speakers nailed down and had to choose between some very interesting presentations. After a discussion with the rest of the SQLSaturday team, I decided to add another room and track, and so we now have 34 presentations (plus a lunchtime special by Joe Celko). WOW.
BTW, we’re still way overbooked. If you put off reserving a slot, I’m sorry. Maybe next year.
Anyway, here’s the tentative graphical schedule; this is still subject to change, but it’s close to being done (I think):
SQLSaturday #13 schedule
I’ve also figured out a restaurant for the Speaker’s dinner, as well as the vendor for the box lunches on Saturday. Stuff left to do:
1. Get more sponsors! More money, more money.
2. Get the speaker’s shirts done.
3. Get the attendee gifts done.
4. Set up volunteer shifts.
5. More shwag.