Weekly Link Roundup 2008-12-21

I’m going to have to start posting these on Wednesdays; trying to post them at the end of the week just causes too much stress. It seems like time just flies on Fridays, and the weekend is wrapped up with house stuff (I finally got Christmas lights up, BTW). Anyway, here’s the links of interest this week:

SQL Batman’s post on Web Persona: As a budding blogger, I wish that I wrote as eloquently as the Batman. I also wish I had been creative enough to choose a moniker like his, but if I keep building the brand, I think codegumbo will eventually have some of the same power.

The Code Camp Manifesto: I’m trying to put together SQL Saturday #13 in Atlanta, so I’ve been cruising the web looking for interesting reads on code camps around the country. This is a very succinct synopsis of the code camp philosophy. You may also be interested in the following:

Not a lot this week, I know. Been spending a lot of time offline with the wife and kids.
