Weekly Link Roundup 2009-02-11

Sitting at Schlotsky’s enjoying free Wifi; Isabel’s in ballet, Grace is in swimming, and my lovely wife is at home slaving away on her doctoral dissertation.  Me?  I’m wishing I had a netbook instead of this big ol’ clunky laptop from work.  I’m hoping that when they replace this thing sometime in the next year, I’ll either get something with more power or less weight.

Anyway, on to the links:

I’m amazed at how much good stuff there is out there in people’s blogs; I just found Joe Webb’s post on adding a column to every table in the database.  I’m a big fan of practical uses for dynamic SQL, and this is another example of it.

Speaking of blogs, SQLServerPedia is now starting to syndicate blog posts.  I plan on doing this, but I’m gonna try to survive SQLSaturday first.  A lot of good stuff is there already.

Just found this one today: Covering Clustered Indexes.  I love this quote: “To assume that the Primary Key will only be used for singleton selects is “strange” –  and to assume that the PK will always be the clustered index is also unhelpful. “

Sigh; Schlotzky’s is starting to fill up with families, and the chatter of children is making it tough to write.  I’ll have another couple of posts tonight (I’m in a writing mood).
