Weekly Link Roundup 2008-12-31

Happy New Year! Another short list this week; I had shoulder surgery yesterday (bone spur near my rotator cuff), so I’m just now coherent. Hydrocodone is potent stuff. I’m hoping that next week will get things back to normal.

Eyespi20: I always enjoy it when someone comments on my site, because it gives me the opportunity to find new sites to read. Margaret’s site is one of those links (I need to add her to my BlogRoll page). I particularly enjoyed this post, because it turned me on to TwitterTools. She’s apparently also into remodeling, a subject that once was near and dear to my heart.

It’s All About the Wireless Access:  Andy Warren’s brief musing on a new netbook; I’m currently lusting after an Asus EEE 900HD (or 1000HD; can’t decide).  Google led me to Scott Hanselman’s Dell Mini 9 – Practical Developer’s Review, which in turn led me to Omar Shahine’s article:  Welcome to a new era of computing… netbook and Atom

Obviously, I’ve been keeping up with facility9 (who appears to be sharing free code with Brent Ozar), since his last link round up spurred my Monday post: Auto generated SQL Server keys – uniqueidentifier or IDENTITY – a rebuttal.  Is it shameless self-promotion to list your own stuff in your list of links?

Finally, this last one is kind of specialized; I’m a fan of SageTV(software for Home Theatre PC’s), although not necessarily a power user.  A recent thread in their user forums has opened up about form vs. function, which is interesting to anybody from a developer background.  At what point do you allocate resources to alter the design as opposed to adding new features?

Happy coding!
