I’m doing it wrong…

me_doing_it_wrong At some point in your career, you have to realize that you’re going about it in the wrong way.   It may hit you like a ton of bricks, or it might be a subtle realization, but either way you realize that things aren’t working out for you like you expected.  I’ve had a couple of those moments throughout my career; one was shortly after I flunked out of graduate school.  Nothing says “you’re doing it wrong” than sitting outside of your advisor’s office for a meeting that never happens.

I’ve had other epiphanies in my career, such as the time when my ethical standards were a little higher than my employers; when I got sent home by a GM after a discussion over my responsibilities, I started polishing my resume.   I was doing it wrong by working for the wrong company.

Recently, I’ve begun to realize that I’m not living up to my full potential in my career.  I’ve spent the last several years building an enterprise solution for my company that has become the core product of that company.  It’s a good product, and I’m proud of it.  However, like many small companies that have grown up fast,  our company is built on a complex ecosystem of ever-changing goals and feature requests.  We built a system based on assumptions, and we’ve become one of the leaders of our industry because we’re often the first to deliver a product for a niche market.  Many of the assumptions we made didn’t pan out, and the applications we’ve built have slowly degenerated into a mass of tangled wire and unrealistic expectations.  I realized this as I’ve struggled to add a new feature and retrofit it into this existing solution; it’s taking more and more time to solve development problems because we’re not sure what features are still being used by some employee in a dark corner of the building.

As I was rewriting a stored procedure for the fifth time trying to eke out a few more milliseconds of performance, I realized that I was thinking like an engineer.  Engineers find creative solutions to problems in a very hands-on way; they worry about wiring things together so that they work, and they work well.  Engineers are worried about the microcosm; as every geek’s favorite engineer (Scotty from Star Trek) would say “In four hours, the ship blows up.”  That’s pretty straightforward; under condition x, outcome y is to be expected in a certain amount of time.

The problem?  My title says Architect.  I’m supposed to be thinking about the big picture, not just how a couple of applications are wired together.  I’m supposed to understand (and enforce) the rules about how events become data, and how data becomes information.  I should be more concerned with defining the specifications for our system than trying to figure out this damned stored procedure (for the fifth time).  Maybe we shouldn’t even have this particular stored procedure; maybe with a little tweaking, we could eliminate the problem altogether.

So what does this mean for me?  Well, as part of my New Year’s resolutions, I’ve been determined to learn something new every month.  This month, I’ve been focused on what does it mean to be a Data Architect, and I’ve been trying to find a little time every day to transform myself from an engineer to an architect.  I’m not going to master all of these subjects at once, but here’s my working list (from high-level goals to specific action items).  I expect this list to evolve, but it’s a start.

High Level Goal: A Data Architect needs to establish the standards for information and data in the enterprise.

  • I need to document the information architecture of our division of the company, using a standard data flow diagram notation.  I need to spend some time daily refreshing my memory on that notation.
  • I need spend time with employees throughout the organization, discovering what the business entities are, and what the vocabulary for those entities are. 
  • After discovery, I need to publish a standard vocabulary document and data-dictionary, showing how we capture that information today:
    • I need to propose changes to our business vocabulary, and
    • I need to propose changes to our database schema to standardize our notation.

High Level Goal: A Data Architect needs to understand the nature of the enterprise’s information on all levels: physical, logical, and procedural.

  • I need to talk to our production DBA’s an understand how our database servers are set up physically, including the clustering structure, the drive arrays, the SAN, etc.
  • I need to talk to our engineers to understand how data gets to the databases.
  • I need to talk to our product owners to understand what information they want from the data, and what’s the best way to deliver it.

High Level Goal: A Data Architect needs to recommend the best architecture for information management, including a plan on how to get there from here.

  • I need to refresh my memory on all aspects of SQL Server, not just the parts I use on a daily basis.
  • After discovery, I need to recommend ways to improve efficiency in our data capture processes.
  • I need to listen to all voices in the organization, even those I don’t normally agree with.  I can’t afford to throw away good ideas simply because I don’t always like the originator of those ideas.

More to come, but this is what I’ve been working on so far this month (February 2011).

Just a quick note… #sqlsat70

I just submitted a couple of sessions to SQL Saturday #70; I feel like I’ve been way off my game in terms of service to the community lately, so hopefully this will provide me a bit of a kick-start.  Even if I don’t get accepted (the list is growing longer each day), it’s at least a reminder that I need to get back out there and present.

Here’s the links to the sessions, btw:

Dirt, Spit, and Happy FLWOR- Hands on with XQuery

From DBA to Data Architect: Changing Your Game

Something new for 2011: XML & XSD, part 2

I’m continuing my study of XML and XSD’s for January, and I realize that I ended my last post a bit abruptly.  I explained that I can cast an XML datatype to a SQL Server datatype, without giving a lot of background on WHY that’s important.  

Understanding Types.

Without going into too much detail about type, the basic reason for specifying a type for data transformations is validity; if you are expecting integer data, and the XML provides a string, then the basic contract is broken.  An XSD defines a type of data expected, and if some other type is provided, the XML is invalid.

For example, run the following code:

FROM    sys.xml_schema_collections xsc
WHERE   name = 'MismatchDataType' )
'<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
        <xsd:element name="IntValue" type="xsd:integer"/>

DECLARE @x XML(MismatchDataType)
SET @x = '<IntValue>100</IntValue>'
--SET @x = '<IntValue>String</IntValue>'


It runs fine, but if you uncomment the second SET statement (where a string value is specified), you get the following error:

Msg 6926, Level 16, State 1, Line 4
XML Validation: Invalid simple type value: ‘String’. Location: /*:IntValue[1]

What’s important to remember is that once you specify a type for an element, you may only cast that XML type to a matching SQL Server type (i.e., integer to integer, string to (n)varchar, etc.) when using the XQuery methods in SQL Server (.value(), etc.).  This is easily debuggable to a seasoned database professional; if the XML type is string, and you store a value as 100, you can easily convert that to either an integer or varchar value:

SELECT @x.value('IntValue[1]', 'integer'), @x.value('IntValue[1]', 'varchar(3)')


If you don’t specify a type, SQL Server can make certain assumptions regarding type conversion; however, typing your XML is one of those basic “good habits” that is foundational to application design.  Knowing what to expect from your data, regardless of whether or not it’s stored in XML or a database makes troubleshooting a lot easier in the future.

Complex vs. Simple Types

The examples I’ve used so far all rely on what is known as a simple type in XML; a simple type contains no sub-elements or attributes.  A complex element can  contain either sub-elements or attributes.  An XSD collection is especially useful when defining complex elements; the XSD allows database professionals to enforce validity in the shape of their XML, including which elements are required or not.

Most of the examples I’ve used so far have been simple elements, but a complex element enforced via an XSD would look something like  (apologies for the formatting):

'<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xsd:element name="Parent">
<xsd:element name="Child" type="xsd:string"/>


In essence, a complex type is the heart of a strongly-typed XML document;  one of the major benefits of XML is the ability to encapsulate hierarchical data, and a complex type enforces the relationship between the elements (and attributes) encapsulated in that hierarchy much like foreign keys do for a relational database.   The presence or absence of elements in the data when compared to the XSD validate the nature of the dataset.

A stopping point…

Unfortunately for you, I need to stop at this point.  I promised myself to learn something new every month, and I feel like I have.  However, there’s so much more to learn about this topic, and I’ve simply run out of time.  I debated about spending a few more weeks on this, but then realized that I need to move on (I can always return to it in a few months) in order to stay energized about learning something new.  When I do return to this topic, I’ll be sure to post a few summary links to keep everything related.

#TSQL2sDay: Resolutions

tsql2sday For this month’s T-SQL Tuesday, Jen McCown asks:

So tell us: what techie resolutions have you been pondering, and why?  Are you heading for a certification? An award? Are you looking to pick up CLR because that guy at the Summit said it’s “bitchin’”? Go crazy…

I’ve already covered a lot of my techie resolutions in this post, but here’s a recap, with some expanded thoughts:

  • I vow to learn something new every month.  I’ve already started on this one, but I need to keep working on it.   For example, I’m working on XML and XQuery this month; next month, I’m thinking SSIS.
  • I vow to be more involved in the technical community.  I’ve slipped out of tweeting (mostly because it’s blocked on our corporate network); I will do more.  I also want to read more blogs, as well as do a LOT more blogging myself.  For example, I plan to participate in every T-SQL Tuesday for 2011.  I also plan to present at least 6 times this year.
  • I will earn my MCITP: Database Developer certification this year.  Been meaning to do it; just haven’t invested the time to do so.

On a personal note, I want to tackle a few more technical projects that have been hovering over my head:

  • I want to do more with pictures and videos.  I have a nice digital camera, and a nice Flip video camera, but I don’t do squat with them.  I’m horrible about leaving them behind when I travel; I will use them as needed.
  • My fiancée is an iPod user (like 90% of the world); I am not (I have an Archos).  Merging our music into iTunes is not going to be fun (especially since I’ve never used it), but in the long run, it’ll be the right thing to do for us.
  • I want to work smarter, not harder, so I can play more.  There’s lots of little services out there (like Remember the Milk, Yodlee.com, Google calendars, etc) which will help me manage my life on the move (shuttling between my apartment, my fiancée’s house, and my office).

Short, sweet, but at least it’s submitted 🙂

Something new for 2011: XML and XSD

As part of my New Year’s resolution for 2011, I vowed to do a deep-dive on something technical every month; for January, I’m focusing on XML.  I’ve been using XML and XQuery in SQL Server for a while now (even presenting on it), but I still don’t consider myself an expert in the area.  For example, I use a lot of untyped XML to transfer data between databases; I’ve never really tackled XSD (XML Schema Definition Language), and now’s the time.  I’m reading The Art of XSD by Jacob Sebastian to help get me started.

What’s XSD?  In a nutshell, it’s an XML document which validates the structure of another XML document.  From the perspective of a database developer, an XSD document describes how data should look in a dataset; if the data doesn’t match the description (i.e, if a table is missing a column), that dataset is invalid.  The XSD document can be very precise, or it can offer options for the dataset, but in either case, the point of an XSD is to document the expectations about the dataset.  XML without XSD is untyped; XML with an XSD is typed (although XSD’s do more than just provide information about the data types contained within the XML).

Let’s take a look at an untyped XML statement:

@NoXSD = '<Test1>Hello World!</Test1>'


Simple and straightforward; I created an XML variable, and populated it with an XML fragment.  I then pulled the data out of that fragment.  In this example, we have an element named Test1; what happens if we have a typo when we populate the variable?

SET @NoXSD = '<Test2>Hello World!</Test2>'


Nothing happens.  It’s a well-formed XML fragment (no root tag, but it does have starting and ending tags); the XML engine in SQL Server doesn’t know that our fragment is supposed to have an element named Test1, so it accepts the fragment as valid.  This is where an XSD comes in:

IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.xml_schema_collections WHERE name = 'TestSchema' )

'<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xsd:element name="Test1" />

DECLARE @XSD XML ( TestSchema --use the schema to validate (type) the xml
SET @XSD = '<Test1>Hello, World!</Test1>'



Since the XML fragment matches the XSD,  the assignment of data works; what happens when we assign a fragment that doesn’t match?

SET @XSD = '<Test2>Hello, World!</Test2>'

We get a big fat error message:

XML Validation: Declaration not found for element ‘Test2’. Location: /*:Test2[1]

Straightforward, right?  But now what?  Well, let’s type the data in our schema:

IF EXISTS( SELECT * FROM sys.xml_schema_collections WHERE name = 'TestSchema' )

'<xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<xsd:element name="Test1" type="xsd:string"/>

DECLARE @XSD XML ( TestSchema )
SET @XSD = '<Test1>Hello, World!</Test1>'


So; what does this mean?  It means that we can now use the XQuery methods built into SQL Server to cast the data from the XML datatype to a SQL Server data type.

SELECT @XSD .value ( '(//Test1)[1]' , 'varchar(50)' )


More to come, but that’s a good stopping place for now; we’ve built a simple XSD, and validated a simple datatype.  I plan to spend some time learning about optional data elements next.

I need ideas: building a cheap-but-powerful dev machine…

As part of my New Year’s resolutions, I’ve vowed to tackle a new technical challenge per month; however, to do so, I’d really like to beef up my home development environment, and was hoping to get some suggestions from some people on what to do.  A little background information would probably help, so let me sum up what resources I have (and some other factors influencing my decision):


  • My company provides me with a mid-tier (LOW mid-tier) laptop for development.  While I can load some software on it, I’d rather not load my own personal development environment onto it.  I’ve thought about virtual machines, but it’s really incapable of doing much more than it already does (SQL Server Management Studio 2008 and Visual Studio 2010 can barely be opened at the same time).  It’s also a brick; traveling with it is NOT fun, but I have to carry it with me in case I need to securely access our network.
  • I have a desktop PC that was state-of-the-art 4 years ago, running Windows XP.  I’ve loaded Win 7 onto it, and the motherboard doesn’t like it.  I mostly use this PC for some minor development work, balancing my checkbook (Quicken), and browsing the Internet or watching my SageTV recordings.
  • I have a MVP MSDN subscription that I won at SQLSaturday 51 in Nashville; I know a few people were surprised that I won it (because they assumed I already had it), but I’m not an MVP (at least not an officially recognized one; see Paul Randall’s shout-out to @sqlagentman on this post.).  While I can get bits and pieces of this software to work on my home machine, I really think I’d be better off with a new environment.

Factors Influencing My Decision:

  • Budget is top priority; I have limited funds for this project.  I’d like to spend less than $500 upgrading my environment.
  • Mobility.  I do plan on traveling some to make presentations; the question is, how much of my development platform needs to be mobile?   Can I just get a superfast desktop, and do minor road development on my laptop?  On the other hand, I am spending a lot more time on the road between my apartment and the office (and my fiance’s house) these days; should I invest in a laptop, even if means I have to carry two laptops from place to place?

So, there you have it; resources and factors.  I’ve thought through a couple of scenarios, but I’m very open to suggestions:

  1. I could make my home PC a kick-a$$ development platform for under my budget.  Not very mobile, but cheap.  A couple of parts from TigerDirect, and away I go.  I might even have enough scratch left over to invest in an Android tablet or iPad for presenting (yeah, presenting; that’s how I plan to explain it).
  2. I could buy a cheap but beefy laptop and replace my home PC; not as powerful, but probably capable of doing dev work.  It’s mobile when I need it to be, but it does mean I would probably have to carry two laptops when I travel.  I’m worried that it won’t be powerful enough, but the i3 machines are pretty tasty these days.

Please feel free to leave comments with ideas; I’d love to hear some suggestions.  I’d also love to hear suggestions on 64 bit vs 32 bit (I’m assuming 64 bit); how would YOU build a cheap development platform?

the ubiquitous resolution post…

Obviously, with the start of the New Year, there will be a flood of posts on the blogosphere regarding resolutions to change bad behaviors and adopt new good ones; why should I be any different?  There’s lots of things I want to change about myself, and I figure I should put them out there and see how I’m doing over the year.  So, with little fanfare, here’s my list of challenges I plan to tackle for 2011 (broken up in to categories and subcategories for easy reference):



Technical Skills

  • I want to learn something new every month.  My goal is to tackle something challenging, and be able to understand the ins and outs of it within 30 days.  For example, I want to finish tackling XML (including XSD’s) in SQL Server.
  • I want to upgrade my certifications by the end of the year; I’ve been dancing around the MCITP exams for a while, and I need to finish them.


  • I want to make at least 6 technical presentations by the end of the year; last year, I managed to eke out 8, but given some of the recent changes in my personal life (see below), I think 6 is reasonable.
  • I will blog at least once a month about some technical topic (see the first bullet point under technical skills).


  • I will understand the SCRUM methodology, and learn how to implement it with my team at work.  Although I’m not a team leader, I AM the Senior Database Architect, and I need to code less, and teach more.  This is my year to do so.




  • I’m getting married again this year, and I want to look good for my new wife.  I also want to avoid long-term health issues.  I was losing weight last year (until I started dating), and I want to get back on track.  I’d like to lose 50 lbs by October.
  • I have apnea, and I’ve been horrible about using my CPAP on a regular basis.  I will use it regularly.
  • I need to exercise more, so I will find 20 minutes a day to do SOMETHING, even if it’s just walking around the office for 20 minutes.
  • I will drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.


  • I’ve slacked off in my religious activities; my faith was nourished by church attendance during my divorce, and I need to start growing again.  I will find a new church in the next two months (my old church is too far to drive on a regular basis), and become a regular attendee.
  • I choose to absorb the goodness from people who love me, and I will reject the poison from those who do not.  I will focus on the important things in life (like my kids, and my future bride), and worry less about the unimportant things (like who’s mowing the grass).


  • I will listen more to my children, my family, and my friends.  I will find ways to let them know I love them.
  • I will nurture my own friendships; while I love my fiance’s friends and family, I want to bring more to the table than just me.


  • My divorce pulled me way off course.  While I’m a long way from being out of debt, I will continue to make strides in that area.  I will pay off at least one credit card ahead of schedule.
  • I will save more; I plan to find ways to cut costs (like taking advantage of coupons, and eating out less).

Anyway, there you have it: my New Year’s resolutions for 2011.  May it be a good year for all.

The 12th day of SQL

My Christmas tree is like this post; short, easy to assemble, and a little tacky.

So, at the first FreeCon, a bunch of writers gathered together and talked about stuff. Most of the stuff we talked about was how to be a better technical writer, as well as how to blend our writing skills with our own personal and professional goals.  We dismissed from that conference eager to write, and looking for opportunities to hone our skills; this particular series of posts was born of that collaboration, and I hope that other series will follow.  While I could list out each individual post in the Twelve Days of SQL series, it’s probably more fun to start at the beginning.  You’ll eventually get back to this one, I hope (if you don’t poke out your eyes after seeing David Stein’s Christmas ornament).

Most of the other posts have described their favorite post of the year.  Me?  I wanna go out with a bang, a celebration of those posts that we all rely on but rarely celebrate.  At the heart of the technical blogging community is, well, the technical blog post, and it’s these posts which rarely get attention.  We often celebrate those witty and well crafted posts, but we rarely celebrate the “how to do this” posts.  Sometimes these posts are little more than scripts; sometimes they’re well-crafted opera describing how to do a single thing.

Why do I sing praises of these short-but-sweet articles?  I’ll answer that in the form of a metaphor…

The Ghost of SQL Past

All blogs begin with a first post, and that first post leads to another.  Many of us that are regular (or irregular in my case) bloggers began our blogs with a few scripts and sample code.  Why?  Because it was a useful place to dump content that we wanted to remember.   Some fine examples of this are Aaron Nelson’s early posts on PowerShell and Ken Simpson’s XML to Pivot scripts.  These early works are indicators of great things to come; their blogs are littered with samples and ideas.

But good technical blogs are born not only of coding tricks; writers craft their works by expanding their repertoire beyond scripts and samples, and move on to include their observations of life.  Sometimes these observations are a bit too revealing (as in Brent Ozar’s self-professed love of amphibians); usually they are fascinating insights into the character of a person.  When Andy Leonard comments that Iteration = Maturity, he’s not just talking about software.

The Ghost of SQL Present

In recent days, newer bloggers have carried on the tradition of the technical post, but are finding ways to blend in a sense of community as well (like David Taylor’s exposition on #sqlhelp).   A quirky sense of humor works as well, as in Julie Smith’s opera of concatenation (I won’t spoil it for you, but there may be magic involved).  Successful technical blogs should be both fun to read, as well as provide some insight into how to do something.

The Ghost of SQL Future

Not much to say here, because we’re not there yet.  Hopefully, what I’ll see in the future is an evolution of what we’ve seen so far in the Past and the Present, but I hope that you’re reading this because you want to understand how to be a better blogger.   Technical blogs need technical content, but good technical blogs need a sense of whimsy, a touch of your personal style, and a nod to the community of content out there. Others have far better posts than I on that subject, but the simplest piece of advice I can give you is:


That’s it.  Write, because when you write, you force yourself to think, and thinking is the strongest tool in the toolbox for a technical person.   Believe me, I’m pointing the finger squarely at myself on this one as well; I have been far too reticent in my writing as of late, and I hope to rectify that shortly.  But back to you; next year, I hope to celebrate your writing in a similar post.  Tell me how to do something; share your experiences, and educate your peers. 

Up Next?  Steve Jones, for the cleanup!

Still is still moving to me

I don’t often write posts of a highly personal nature on this blog because I feel like there’s a certain sense of privacy I need to maintain, but as the end of the year draws nigh, I’m feeling a bit reflective.  It’s been a good year; it began a little rocky as I was wrapping up a divorce, but it’s ended on a high note: shortly after my divorce was final, I met an amazing woman.  After 9 months of dating, I asked her to marry me.

It’s been wonderful being in a healthy relationship with someone after having lived through a unhealthy one; my fiancée’ actually LIKES me, and that’s made all the difference.   When I’m with her, I feel good about myself, and when I’m away, I can’t wait to spend time with her (hopefully, that explains my absence from blogging a bit).

However, I have kids with my ex, which means that I can’t completely break away from my past; I love my children, and in order to do what’s best for them, I’ve had to continue holding my tongue and restraining my anger when their mom and I disagree.  I would have thought that I would be a master of that by now, but it continues to be a struggle for me.  Anger is a seductive emotion, in some ways more so than love.  It’s far too easy to dwell on the hurts and pains caused by the other person, and to either lash out in revenge or obsess about the misdeeds of the other.  While both of those reactions are normal, neither of them will feed the spirit for any length of time.  So, I’m writing this post to draw a line in the sand; I refuse to live in the shadow of anger any longer.  I will not dwell on the perceived injustices caused by others, but will instead find ways to enjoy life. 

Don’t get me wrong; I’m sure that I will continue to encounter situations where anger is justified (and I plan on getting angry when those times arise).  However, I refuse to continue looking for those things that offend me; I choose to live my life filled with love and laughter.  Life is too short to waste dwelling in darkness.

Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year; may your lives be blessed with peace, prosperity, and challenges to grow.