#NeverStopLearning 10 Minutes of Code : PS Select-Object

For a database person, this particular cmdlet has a lot of potential. I started monkeying around with Get-ComputerInfo, and was overwhelmed with the amount of properties that are returned by this command. I only wanted to select a few, and so I started looking at Select-Object. By piping the output of one command to this Select-Object, I could return only the properties I’m interested in (and it’s in a tabular format).

Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object CsCaption, CsModel

I’m trying to develop a script that will connect to every server in a given list, and validate if I can execute PowerShell remotely on it. I’m getting there. Get-ComputerInfo is too heavy (it reads a lot more information than I need), but being able to pipe the output of a command will help me immensely.

More to come.
