There are still plenty of seats left for the inaugural #AtlantaAzureDataFest2018, so I thought I’d try to drum up some interest by posting about a few of the sessions I really want to see. First up, Ed Watson‘s session: “With Power BI and Cortana, You Can Take Over the World”.
I love the thought of integrating voice control with reporting; have no clue what that means, but it definitely satisfies the whimsical nature of this conference. Let’s build something together just because we can, not necessarily because it satisfies a need. Ed is a crazy fun presenter to watch (and a good friend). I’m excited to see him push the envelope a bit.
Join us! Seats start at $50 for two days of jam-packed training on Aug 16-17th, 2018. Tell your boss you’re being forward-thinking; they love that.