#msteched “Juneau” preview

Sitting in the Database Dev session at Tech Ed, taking a look at “Juneau”, the new development suite for SQL Server.  I can’t wait to see if this thing slices and dices data like a Ronco food processor.  Again, live blogging, so please excuse the scattered thoughts, poor spelling, and other bad habits below.

Database development is hard.  I’d love to use that sometimes when my boss asks me why something is running behind schedule. 

Great question!  Where does the definition of the database live if most of your code is built on ALTER scripts?

We should work declaratively, not scripted; devs write CREATE statement, and let the tools manage the change statements.

Demos forthcoming…


Connected development; working directly with the database server.  Much like SSMS, but it’s obviously the VS shell instead.  Operation is very similar to SSMS in that you build and execute queries inside of the shell; I wonder if execution plans work.

Table designer: uh-oh.  Not sure if this is a good idea.  However, the tools do drift detection before building an active script.

Side note to Microsoft presenters: sometimes the patter works, but only when it’s natural.  Usually, it feels scripted, which makes it clunky instead of funny.


Offline Development: Import database into a project, to build a model from the database.  Declarative code is the keyword.  Left-side versus right-side development; idea is that information is arranged depending on the perspective from which you are accustomed.  DBA’s will see the traditional database hierarchy; developers will see the namespaces.

Table designer preview again; nice thing is that it is generating scripts on the fly.

SSTD is deployed to a new lightweight test-and-debug single user instance on your desktop.  Cool stuff; no need to deploy to a test server; it’s there already.

Ughhhhh; live demos are painful.  I’m going to remember to NOT DO THAT EVER AGAIN when I present. 

Yay!!! Execution plans are there!!!!  SWEET.

Interesting way to handle connected and disconnected development.  Since you are building CREATE statements, you can’t run them in a connected sense; execute fails.  But what happens when you run it and are building a new object?  Will it execute?

OMG!!!!!!!! THEY ARE SHOWING A STORED PROCEDURE WITH A F’ING WHILE LOOP IN IT!!!!! I can’t believe that one slipped by.

Cooling off; I totally zoned out on the last view steps.  Lemme calm down and move on to the next one.


Publish to SQL Azure: More accurately, the project can be targeted to various editions, including Azure.

Nice feature to work online and offline.  Not much else to say; the tool changes the model to fit the deployment target.


SSMS is NOT going away, but the majority of the development functionality will be replicated in Visual Studio. Both will have Server Explorers and query windows, but SSMS will still ship as a part of the client tools for SQL Server.

Schema comparison tools still are lackluster compared to Red Gate, but they seem to have improved a little since I last remember them.  Not really much new here compared to the database projects of 2010 and 2008, but it looks like there has been some thought about best practices.

Overall, a good presentation, but I still think there’s a lot left to do.
