SQLSaturday #13 – 3 days to go

Holy cow, I’ve got a lot left to do. I know this is probably boring for most of you, but this post is mainly going to be a list of unfinished business. I’ve to to make the list anyway, and I’m committed to making at least one blog post, so let me cheat it out. Anyway, here goes (in no particular order):

  1. Send out Silver and Gold level sponsor emails to all registrants.
  2. Pick up name tags & tickets from Larry (one of our volunteers).
  3. Print out missing name tags and tickets for the people who bumped up the list (when others dropped out).
  4. Count the number of prizes I have to give away, so I know how many drawings throughout the day to have. May have to wait until Friday since two of our sponsors have stuff in the mail.
  5. Go to Sam’s and renew my membership. Buy 300 cans of Coke, 300 cans of Diet Coke, and 300 bottled waters.
  6. Attend the Speaker’s dinner Friday night; don’t forget to bring the shirts!
  7. Pick up boxes for every sponsor raffle and for every class raffle.
  8. Print out registration lists for people to register; send a copy of the list to Microsoft for security purposes (&%^%$%^ that was due today!).
  9. Work on my Powerpoint presentation for “Welcome!” speech

I’m sure I’m forgetting something, but this is a start.
