Weekly Link Roundup 2009-01-21

Stuff I’ve been reading:

Causing a stir in Tok Alaska: I first started reading this blog after reading about the -78 degree weather in Alaska on the Drudge Report. The writer is quite talented, and it’s a lot of fun to read.

Wordle:  Technically, this ain’t reading.  I found out about Wordle from Brent’s blog, and thought it was a cool exercise in computer-generated art.  Below is the wordle for my site, generated today.

Joe Celko’s Temporal Data Techniques in SQL:  I’ve said some pretty harsh things about Joe Celko in the past; his online persona is, frankly, obnoxious, and I’ve disagreed with him on many of his approaches to programming in SQL Server.  However, he’s very intelligent, and it’s hard to argue with him when it comes to pure design.

Tony Davis’s Bar-Poo for DBA’s & Developers: Tony writes some esoteric stuff, and this particular post is no exception.  But hey, I won a prize!

Happy coding!
