Writing is hard…

I’ve recently started working on a book, and have rediscovered that if you don’t exercise on a regular basis, it sucks to start. I need to think of this blog as an opportunity to get my regular writing “steps in”, so that when the time comes to actually start running, I’m ready.

One of the challenges I’m having is articulating my thoughts on the concept of “people first” in DevOps. It’s the first element in Donovan Brown’s definition, and embedded in the first value of the agile manifesto, but yet, people don’t get it. I was recently involved in a Facebook conversation on the evolution of graph databases, and was saddened by the fact that many people who I know and respect still see an ongoing war between developers and DBA’s (and often make assumptions about the other camp).

I may be naive, but I’m trying to find the good in people, and trying to build value to customers. Different roles and skills are necessary, but allowing those roles to foster tribalism to the detriment of the goal is a futile pursuit.

More to come.
