Quick and Easy SQL Script

I haven’t been blogging enough lately, so I’m going to try something new to get past this mild case of writer’s block.  Instead of trying to do a long, in-depth post on some esoteric subject, I’m going to just put out a simple SQL script.  This one’s a bit of a hack, but you’ll see a lot of variations on it: Coalescing rows using for XML.  For example, here’s a few questions from StackOverflow:

Cursor in stored procedure

How to Comma separate multiple rows obtained from a SQL Query

Convert multiple rows into one with comma as separator

The basic challenge is to denormalize your resultset so that multiple rows get returned as a single delimited string; while there are several methods for solving this problem, the one that I like (as of SQL 2005) is to use FOR XML PATH, like so:


DECLARE @t TABLE ( fruit VARCHAR(10) )

( fruit
SELECT  'apple'
SELECT  'banana'
SELECT  'tomato'

SELECT  ',' + fruit
FROM    @t

SELECT  ',' + fruit
FROM    @t
FOR     XML PATH('')

SELECT  STUFF(( SELECT  ',' + fruit
FROM    @t
1, 1, '') AS fruits



The multiple results sets are there to illustrate each step in the process; for example, the first output shows what happens when you specify FOR XML PATH with no indicators; SQL Server automatically assigns each row in the resultset to a node named <row>:


If you specify a tag name in the PATH function, each row will be replaced with that tag name; in the above example, we want an empty tag (‘’).  The result is an XML fragment with no tags:


That’s almost what we want, except we need to get rid of the leading comma.  The STUFF command basically replaces the characters in the string supplied (the first parameter; our query FOR XML PATH) starting at a certain position (1 in the example above) and moving forward the specified number of character places (1, the third parameter) with the value of the last parameter (an empty space; the fourth parameter).  The final output is a comma delimited string:


Straightforward; gotta return to writing.
